Training Seminar on Auditing Infrastructure 

The EUROSAI WGEA secretariat and the National Audit Office of Estonia, in collaboration with the National Audit Office (UK), organised a training seminar on Auditing Infrastructure. The seminar was held on 6 October 2014, one day prior to the 12th Annual EUROSAI WGEA Meeting.

The aim of the seminar was to introduce environmental and sustainability impacts related to different stages of the lifecycle of infrastructure (e.g. roads, water infrastructure, electricity, district heating) and analyse how environmental and sustainability impacts can be evaluated in environmental and performance audits. In addition, the INTOSAI material on “Environmental Issues Associated with Infrastructure Development” was introduced. The presenters brought various practical examples from previously conducted audits and the participants were involved in group work exercises.


The Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA)

Environmental Issues Associated with Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure training
SAI of EstoniaMs Kaire Kuldpere, Ms Tuuli Rasso, Mr Matis MägiAuditing Environmental Impacts and Sustainability of InfrastructureView presentation
SAI of UKMs Katy LosseAuditing Environmental and Social Issues Associated with Infrastructure DevelopmentView presentation