9th Annual Meeting 

The 2010 annual meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden 5-7 October. The main topics of the meeting were related to transport related environmental issues and auditing the 3 Es.

Access the relevant speeches and presentations below.

Report l Programme

Participants of the 9th Annual Meeting

​Participants of the 9th Annual Meeting

Transport related environmental issues​ ​ ​
​European Environment Agency Dr Peder Jensen​Environmental impact of transportView presentation
​University of Gothenburg Prof Thomas Sterner​Transport related environmental policy instruments​​View presentation
​Transport & Environment Mr Jos Dings​Counting the carbon in transport – how we can get it right?View presentation
​SAI of Sweden Mr Petter Dahlin and Ms Anne Wisten​Transport infrastructure and the long term climate objectivesView presentation
​SAI of the United Kingdom Mr Marcus Popplewell​Auditing transport related environmental issuesView presentation
​SAI of the Netherlands Mr Jan Willem van de Wardt​Auditing environmental effects of road traffic​View presentation
​SAI of Finland Ms Vivi Niemenmaa​Contradictory funding: Traffic, urban sprawl and climate targetsView presentation
​SAI of France Mr Cyrille Schott​The bonus-malus system for the purchase of cars and the emission of the carsView presentation
Auditing the 3Es​ ​ ​
​SAI of Slovenia Ms Jerneja Vrabič​Examples of evaluating the 3Es in waste and water management audits in Slovenia​View presentation
​SAI of Switzerland Mr Martin Koci​Exhaust emissions inspection and maintenance for motor vehicles – Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiencyView presentation
​SAI of Sweden Ms Mathilda Fält Zaar​Biofuels for a better climate – How does the tax relief workView presentation
​SAI of Sweden Ms Madeleine Nyman​Efforts abroad to mitigate climate change – the Central Government’s acquisitions of CDM and JI creditsView presentation
​SAI of Czech Republic Ms Jana Vašičková​Financial means provided for the improvement of nature and landscape​View presentation
​European Court of Auditors Mr John Sweeney​The challenges of auditing Economy, Efficiency, and Effectiveness​View presentation
Business Meeting ​ ​
EUROSAI WGEA secretariat​​Presentation of paper on auditing waste management in EuropeView presentation
​EUROSAI WGEA secretariat​​Final version of EUROSAI WGEA paper on auditing waste management​​View report
​EUROSAI WGEA secretariat​​Progress report: October 2010- October 2011​​View presentation
​EUROSAI WGEA secretariat​​The 2012-2014 EUROSAI WGEA Strategy and Activity plan​​View presentation
European Cooperative Audits
​SAI of Poland Ms Ewa Borkowska-Domańska​Proposal of a new cooperative audit on national parksView presentation
​EUROSAI WGEA secretariat​Proposal of a new cooperative audit on biofuelView presentation
​SAI of Denmark Ms Birgit Degnbol​Cooperative audit on CO2 emission trading systemsView presentation
​SAI of the Netherlands Mr Jan Willem van der Wardt​The cooperative audit on shipment of wasteView presentation
​EUROSAI WGEA secretariatThe EUROSAI WGEA cooperative audit on adaptation to climate changeView presentation
​SAI of UkraineMr Denys Nikitin​​Coordinated parallel audit on protection of the Black Sea against pollution​View presentation
​SAI of Russia Mr Sergey Antonov​Joint and parallel audits of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental auditingView presentation
Activities in the INTOSAI WGEA and EUROSAI WGEA subgroups​ ​ ​
​INTOSAI WGEA secretariat Ms Tuuli Rasso​Reporting on the INTOSAI WGEA activities​View presentation
​SAI of the United Kingdom Mr Marcus Popplewell​INOTSAI WGEA activity – Environmental issues associated with infrastructureView presentation
​SAI of Finland Ms Vivi Niemenmaa​INTOSAI WGEA activity – Environment and Sustainability ReportingView presentation
​SAI of Slovenia Ms Jerneja Vrabič​Lessons learned from the EUROSAI WGEA Mediterranean cooperationView presentation
​SAI of Sweden Mr Frederik Engström​Lessons learned from the EUROSAI WGEA Nordic cooperationView presentation