3rd Annual Meeting

The European Environmental Seminar on Biodiversity and Nature Protection and the Third Meeting of the Members of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing was held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 2-5 November, 2004. The Supreme Chamber of Control of the Republic of Poland, the Co-ordinator of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing and the National Audit Office of the Republic of Bulgaria organised the seminar.

30 SAIs EUROSAI Working Group’s on Environmental Auditing participated in the seminar.

The EUROSAI WGEA closely co-operates with the INTOSAI WGEA, and is actively involved in implementation of tasks ensuing from the INTOSAI WGEA Strategy and Workplan. Close co-operation between the two WGEAs was also testified by the participation of the representatives of the INTOSAI Regional WGEA from Brazil, Canada and China.

The aim of the Sofia Seminar was to share experiences collected in the area of biodiversity and nature protection auditing and to discussed specific examples of interest to the SAIs with focus on the planning, conducting and reporting stages related to international and national audits.

The Seminar was organised in two blocks:

  • the first block was devoted to biodiversity and nature protection audits,
  • the second block was devoted to the EUROSAI Group’s business​.