EuroSAI WGEA 21th Annual Meeting took place on 25-26 September 2023 in Prague (Czech Republic)
and was hosted by Nejvyšší kontrolní úřad (SAI Czech Republic).


21 Annual Meeting EWGEA in Prague, 2023

The presentations from the event are available by clicking on the links in the table below.

SpeakerOrganizationTitle of presentation
Mr Veneziano Vital do RêgoSAI BrazilClimateScanner initative (video)
Mr Jorre DeSchrijverEuropean Environment Agency
EU and national progress to climate and energy targets
Mr Miroslav HavránekThe Czech Environmental Information Agency (CENIA)
Sustainable energy in Czechia – past, present and future
Ms Kristiina Visnapuu, Mr Silver Jakobson, Mr Alar JürgensonSAI Estonia
Preliminary results of audits on the topic of electricity production (security of supply and renewable resources) conducted in the National Audit Office of Estonia in 2022/23
Mr Mark BissetSAI UK
Audits on decarbonising the power sector and smart meters
Mr Alfredo Campos, Mr Manuel SueirasSAI Spain
Energy efficiency in buildings of the Spanish Social Security System
Mr Egīls VidžupsSAI Latvia
Renewable energy policy challenges
Mr Akis KikasSAI Cyprus
Assessing government’s actions to achieve desired reduction of Greenhouse gas emissions
Mr Peter JörgensenSAI Sweden
Greenhouse gas reduction mandate – implementation and effectiveness risks
Ms Edyta KosiarzSAI PolandBarriers to the development of renewable energy
Ms Florence FornaroliEuropean Court of Auditors
ECA performance audits in the field of energy efficiency – key findings
Mr Martin WinterSAI Germany
Emissions trading as a key instrument of climate action policy in Germany
Mr Jaap LigthartSAI Netherlands
National Climate Expenditures in the Netherlands
Mr Michal RampírSAI Czech Republic
Summary of the workshop on energy efficiency
Ms Edyta KosiarzSAI Poland
Summary of the workshop on renewable energy
Ms Kristýna LiškováSAI Czech Republic
Sustainable energy in Czechia – past, present and future
Ms Kati HirvonenINTOSAI WGEA
Update on the INTOSAI WGEA activities
Ms Hala Abo-KallaSAI Israel
Renewable energy in Israel