16-th Annual Meeting

The 16th Annual Meeting was held from 26-28 September 2018 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Group photo.jpg

Central topics of the meeting:

  • Climate Change
  • Increasing the Impact of Environmental Audit

Meeting Programme | Meeting report

A training seminar on climate change related data was held one day prior to the Annual Meeting, on 25 September 2018. Read more about it here.

Presentations from the meeting

Day 1: Auditing Climate Change
Comenius University
Prof Milan Lapin
Climate change issues in Slovakia and EuropeView presentation
European Commission, DG Climate Action
Ms Terhi Lehtonen
EU Climate Action – Implementing 2030 targetsView presentation
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Dr Simon Buckle
The climate challenge – an OECD perspective on policies and financeView presentation
SAI Germany
Mr Sascha Baum
Fragmentation of governmental responsibilities as a challenge for climate change policy. Audit example: Flood protectionView presentation
SAI Latvia
Mr Jānis Salenieks
Effectiveness of allocated funds to mitigate climate change in Latvia and financial impact of audit resultsView presentation
SAI Slovakia
Mr Vladimír Maťuš
Audit of the flood preventive measures in the Slovak RepublicView presentation
U.S. Government Accountability Office
Mr Alfredo Gomez
GAO’s climate change workView presentation
Day 2: Increasing the impact of environmental audits
SAI Bulgaria
Ms Katya Nedialkova, Ms Tsvetelina Nikolova-Manolova
Increasing the impact of audit on the example of audit on air qualityView presentation
SAI Cyprus
Mr Akis Kikas
Increasing the impact of environmental audits – finding alliesView presentation
SAI Malta
Mr William Peplow
The impact of environmental audits relating to designating and management of protected marine areasView presentation
SAI Kuwait
Mr Adel Alkoot, Mr Mohammad Alzaabi
Impact of environmental auditsView presentation
SAI Ukraine
Mr Viktor Bohun, Ms Liliia Prudyvus
Environmental Audits: conducting practice and the evaluation of the resultsView presentation
SAI Hungary
Ms Júlia Szappanos
Raising awareness – messages of environmental auditsView presentation
Day 3: Business meeting
SAI Estonia
Ms Kristiina Visnapuu
Cooperative audit: Energy efficiency of public sector buildingsView presentation
SAI Malta
Mr William Peplow
Joint Cooperative Audit: Are mechanisms in place to ascertain the designation and effective management of MPAs within the Mediterranean Sea?View presentation
SAI Netherlands
Ms Sadaf Qutbyar
Cooperative audit on Air QualityView presentation
SAI Slovakia
Mr Igor Blaško
Air quality in SlovakiaView presentation
SAI Belarus
Mr Dzmitry Zakharau, Mr Stepan Dubnitsky
International Coordinated Audit on Protection of the Bug River Catchment Area from PollutionView presentation
SAI Estonia/Secretariat of EWGEA
Ms Tuuli Rasso
EUROSAI WGEA: Activities and plansView presentation
SAI Kuwait
Mr Adel Alkoot, Mr Mohammad Alzaabi
ARABOSAI RWGEA: Progress report and activitiesView presentation