About us

EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing

The EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (EUROSAI WGEA) was formally established by a resolution of the 4th EUROSAI Congress held in Paris, in 1999. Previously this Group had functioned as the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions’ (INTOSAI) Regional European Working Group on Environmental Auditing, established in 1998 during the 16th INTOSAI Congress in Montevideo as a result of the “regionalisation” of the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing.

MembersSAI OrganisationsWork Plans

EUROSAI WGEA has adopted the vision of INTOSAI WGEA. EUROSAI WGEA and its members share a commitment to use the power of public sector audits to leave a positive legacy for future generations by improving the management of natural resources and the environment, and the health and prosperity of the people of Europe.

Through its activities, the EUROSAI WGEA aims to promote a spirit of cooperation based on integrity, open communication and professional excellence. This is achieved by pursuing the main strategic goals:

  1. Encourage and support professional cooperation
  2. Facilitate knowledge and experience sharing

EUROSAI WGEA has a Steering Committee, whose purpose is to provide strategic direction and operational support to the work of the EUROSAI WGEA. Currently, the Steering Committee consists of 8 member SAIs and one observer: INTOSAI WGEA represented by SAI of Finland.

EUROSAI WGEA Steering Committee members:

  • Cyprus
  • European Court of Auditors
  • Estonia
  • Malta
  • Slovenia
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom
  • Poland (Chair)